The Pillars of Cinqueterre Specialty coffee


Sustainability is a mission and a long journey to face.

We want to approach it step by step with you.

At the heart of our project there are environmental and social sustainability, as our goal is to advocate for territories, animals, and people, here and in coffee-producing countries.

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We want to offer you more information regarding the coffee you drink. This is why traceability is crucial while selecting and importing green coffee.

CINQUETERRE coffees are all traceable specialty coffees with a short supply chain. Visit the product sheets and discover the world behind our coffee!

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What you find in our jars and capsules is a specialty coffee carefully selected by our workshop.

The attention to roasting is maximum, to enhance the natural characteristics of such an exceptional product.

Get ready for the experience!

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We decided to go further.

To carry out this project we have intertwined the strengths and skills of Crastan Caffè and Earthspresso to select 100% Arabica coffee of the highest quality. Only specialty coffees to offer you a superior taste experience and maximum transparency and sustainability.


CINQUETERRE SPECIALTY COFFEE and the value of sustainability

We want to celebrate beauty and the nature, protect the environment, and promote its conservation, both here and in coffee producing countries. Our goal is a more sustainable world.

Sustainability is a mission and a long journey that we try to trace step by step.

We do this by discovering and selecting every day coffees from plantations that share with us the same ethics and cherish quality, inclusiveness, and respect for the territory. Also, we use environmentally friendly packaging, reducing to the bare minimum the use of plastic.

In particular, regarding the capsules, we have decided to use the best compostable materials on the market. We have found aluminum or plastic capsules on our beaches too often to not care. We want to improve!

Beyond, we said.

We want the coffee in your cup to talk

With this project we have decided to go beyond, and even deeper.

For us, this means being able to give you the most crucial information about the coffee you drink. In order to do this, we maintain a short supply chain, trading directly with the producers as much as possible, without intermediaries.

We want to offer you a quality, transparent, and traceable product, so reliable that it will be able to tell you a story: about its origin. Concerning this, on our packages you will find plenty of information on the producer, the plantation, the coffee processing practices, and the area where it is grown. Furthermore, in each product description on the website, you will find all the additional information that we have not been able to fit into the table!

specialty coffee: what it means for this project

For us, "specialty coffee" means going further. It is an idea of changing. However, it cannot be reduced to just being a gourmet coffee.

We have spent months selecting the best specialty coffees to offer you not only a good taste, but a real tasting experience, capable of taking you on a journey within your hands, in your cup.

In this journey there are places, people, their sweat and their daily commitment, there is an entire ecosystem that needs to be protected. Here, plantations disrupt the nature as little as possible and respect, indeed defend, all the creatures that inhabit it.

By bringing in these values, the story of specialty coffee can truly be more, than only on the gustatory notes.

Three coffees, three moods, three different moments.

We wanted to recreate, in a can, three different moments of a day in Cinque Terre, to take you there and let you experience that emotion. Each can also corresponds to a precise timeframe in which you can drink coffee: morning, afternoon, evening.

  • The Blend is perfect for breakfast and has a fairly classic taste: cocoa, chocolate, and dried fruit.
  • The Single origin is a coffee from a chosen country and deserves to be drunk in purity. For this reason, we recommend it for the afternoon or for a cuddle.
  • Finally, the Decaf is the perfect solution for those who want to drink coffee but cannot tolerate caffeine after a certain time.

Choose yours!

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